How does work out who to send emails to

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014

Inside the brain it thinks like this:

Oh, Jane has selected the “Thanks for attending” process step, let’s look at the relevant Process Rule which tells us who to send the email to:

  • Found it - we are meant to send it to the “Course Administrator” role and BCC the “Observer” role.

  • Let’s now look at the course date for which logins should receive the email for this course

  • Oh, there are no logins linked to the course date, let’s look at the course master for linked logins that have these roles and should receive the email

  • Here it is, and respectively - let’s send the emails to them!

Additionally you can see what is happening with emails by going to Services then clicking on the link “Cron Logs” on the LHS. This may assist in troubleshooting.